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Version: 1.1.6



core request function of the library, based on cross-fetch, so the api should work across browser and Node.js using xml-js so that js objects can be passed as request.

const [result] = await davRequest({
url: '',
init: {
method: 'PROPFIND',
namespace: 'd',
body: {
propfind: {
_attributes: {
'xmlns:d': 'DAV:',
prop: { 'd:current-user-principal': {} },
headers: {
authorization: 'Basic x0C9uFWd9Vz8OwS0DEAtkAlj',


  • url required, request url
  • init required, DAVRequest Object
  • convertIncoming defaults to true, whether to convert the passed in init object request body, if false, davRequest would expect init->body is xml string, and would send it directly to target url without processing.
  • parseOutgoing defaults to true, whether to parse the return value in response body, if false, the response raw would be raw xml string returned from server.

Return Value

array of DAVResponse

  • response-> raw will be string if parseOutgoing is false or request failed.


depend on options, use xml-js to convert passed in json object into valid xml request, also use xml-js to convert received xml response into json object. if request failed, response-> raw will be raw response text returned from server.