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Version: 1.1.6



convert the username:password into base64 auth header string:

const result = getBasicAuthHeaders({
username: 'test',
password: '12345',

Return Value

authorization: 'Basic dGVzdDoxMjM0NQ==';


fetch oauth token using code obtained from oauth2 authorization code grant

const tokens = await fetchOauthTokens({
authorizationCode: '123',
clientId: 'clientId',
clientSecret: 'clientSecret',
tokenUrl: '',
redirectUrl: '',

Return Value

access_token: 'kTKGQ2TBEqn03KJMM9AqIA';
refresh_token: 'iHwWwqytfW3AfOjNbM1HLg';
expires_in: 12800;
id_token: 'TKfsafGQ2JMM9AqIA';
token_type: 'bearer';
scope: 'openid email';


using refresh token to fetch access token from given token endpoint

const result = await refreshAccessToken({
clientId: 'clientId',
clientSecret: 'clientSecret',
tokenUrl: '',
refreshToken: 'iHwWwqytfW3AfOjNbM1HLg',

Return Value

access_token: 'eeMCxYgdCF3xfLxgd1NE8A';
expires_in: 12800;


the combination of fetchOauthTokens and refreshAccessToken, it will return the authorization header needed for authorizing the requests as well as automatically renewing the access token using refresh token obtained from server when it expires.

const result = await getOauthHeaders({
authorizationCode: '123',
clientId: 'clientId',
clientSecret: 'clientSecret',
tokenUrl: '',
redirectUrl: '',

Return Value

tokens: {
access_token: 'kTKGQ2TBEqn03KJMM9AqIA';
refresh_token: 'iHwWwqytfW3AfOjNbM1HLg';
expires_in: 12800;
id_token: 'TKfsafGQ2JMM9AqIA';
token_type: 'bearer';
scope: 'openid email';
headers: {
authorization: `Bearer q-2OCH2g3RctZOJOG9T2Q`,



Internal function, not intended to be used outside.

Provide default parameter for passed in function and allows default parameters be overridden when the function was actually passed with same parameters. would only work on functions that have only one object style parameter.

const fn1 = (params: { a?: number; b?: number }) => {
const { a = 0, b = 0 } = params;
return a + b;
const fn2 = defaultParam(fn1, { b: 10 });