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Version: 2.1.2



core request function of the library, based on cross-fetch, so the api should work across browser and Node.js using xml-js so that js objects can be passed as request.

const [result] = await davRequest({
url: '',
init: {
method: 'PROPFIND',
namespace: 'd',
body: {
propfind: {
_attributes: {
'xmlns:d': 'DAV:',
prop: { 'd:current-user-principal': {} },
headers: {
authorization: 'Basic x0C9uFWd9Vz8OwS0DEAtkAlj',


  • url required, request url
  • init required, DAVRequest Object
  • convertIncoming defaults to true, whether to convert the passed in init object request body, if false, davRequest would expect init->body is xml string, and would send it directly to target url without processing.
  • parseOutgoing defaults to true, whether to parse the return value in response body, if false, the response raw would be raw xml string returned from server.
  • fetchOptions options to pass to underlying fetch function

Return Value

array of DAVResponse

  • response-> raw will be string if parseOutgoing is false or request failed.


depend on options, use xml-js to convert passed in json object into valid xml request, also use xml-js to convert received xml response into json object. if request failed, response-> raw will be raw response text returned from server.